I am an Assistant Professor in the Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies at Princeton University, specializing in Feminist Science and Technology Studies. Prior to this, held the positions of Assistant Professor in the Department Women's Studies at San Diego State University, and Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies at Princeton University from 2016 to 2019.
I study, write, speak, and teach about the social, political, and ethical dimensions of the ways that science, technology, and institutions come together to shape people's lives, and the possibilities for living and dying available to them. I specialize in the areas of philosophy of science (esp. biology and medicine), feminist theory, philosophy of sex, gender, and sexuality, and ethics (esp. bioethics). My work also intersects with social and political philosophy, and philosophy of race. I additionally situate my scholarship within critical disability studies. I also speak and give workshops about issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the academy, and within STEM.
I am passionate about the rights of folks with intersex conditions to make autonomous medical decisions about their bodies, and am honored to serve as Co-President of the Board of Directors for InterACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth.
I was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and am the daughter of diehard Raptors fans. Prior to receiving my PhD in Philosophy from the University of Alberta, I received a MA and BA in Philosophy, as well as a BMSc in Immunology and Microbiology from the University of Western Ontario.
In my free time I enjoy spending time with friends, watching films, reading speculative fiction and sci-fi, listening to podcasts, and taking care of my growing collection of houseplants. I also have a dog named Atlas, who is the best, and happiest of dogs. Atlas's middle name is Babka, for obvious reasons.